Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The End of the Semester

Its been a few weeks since i blogged. i guess i got busy with tax time , school work and other stuff. Now its the end of the semester and this will be my last assigned blog. I enjoyed writing the blogs; well some of the time, but i always enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs. I don't know if I will have time to continue blogging on my own, but I'll try. Good news ; I am getting a new puppy. We can pick him up on May 30Th, by than he will be old enough to leave his mother. I didn't say anything about Jake (that was our 13 year old Golden Retriever ) dieing, because it was just to painful at first. Especially since it was just a few weeks after the cat (tiger) past. It will be nice having a new face around the farm and since I'm not taking classes this summer I'll have time to get the new pup trained. His name is Duke. We always name our dogs after my favorite cowboy , John Wayne.See you all in the Fall, hope you have a great summer.