Sunday, March 28, 2010


I have not blogged for a few weeks because I've been busy and i couldn't think of anything interesting to blog about . All I can say is thank God it's spring, that means summer is on it's way. What a nice spring its been so far. We really have not seen a real spring , like the one we are having , for about ten years. Usually our spring concisest of bad weather that's more like winter until one day in late May you go outside and its 75 degrees. The next day its summer. It's time to clean out the flower beds and get ready to mulch them. I would like to till the vegetable garden , but it's still to wet to do that so I guess I'll have to wait. Soon it will be time to plant annual flowers and my personal favorites canna lilies. It is nice to just get out of the house and not freeze. All you gardeners enjoy this beatiful Spring.


  1. makes me smile just reading your post... yay spring!

  2. Oh spring, why can't you just stay warm and not make me stay inside to not feel like my legs are two popsicles attached to the rest of my body. Hopefully summer comes sooner than later :)
