Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Bucket List

When I was in High School I did not like reading. There was always so many other thing to do. Sometime later in life, I cant remember exactly when, I fell in love with books. There's nothing better than that me time I get to spent snuggled up with a good book. Like ever love affair my passion for reading heats up and than cools. College has reignited the fire for literature, the irony is that college is also the thing that is keeping me from my love of reading . Well that's not exactly true because I read a lot , just not always what i want to read. Some how i don't seem to get the same joy out of reading Fundamental Accounting Principals as I would a good novel. Since I don't have any free time to read I've decided to start a list of all the books I would like to read before I kick the bucket. The list is getting long already, i started with all the classic like Huckleberry Finn, Little Women, The Grapes of Wrath, ect. Since I've already read most of the classics i think they are going to have to move to the bottom of the list. So if any one has read a book they really loved let me know the title I'd love to ad it to my bucket list. I hope I live a long time I'am going to need it if i think I've any chance of getting to the end of the list.

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