Saturday, February 6, 2010

Something To Do When It Snows

I moved into the neighborhood about 15 years ago. It didn't take long for me to meet the rowdy neighbors. Since we live in the country, it's sometimes hard to find things to do. Especially so when it snows. The satellite TV doesn't always work and the Internet connection can be spotty. So you have to get creative. Over the years we have developed some interesting traditions.One of these is called the wine walk. What is a wine walk? Well , whenever it snow the neighbor's get together and take a walk. Everybody brings their favorite bottle of wine along. I guess this only works if you live somewhere were there isn't much traffic. We are fortunate, were we live there is no traffic and the scenery is beautiful especially when it snows. Last night about eight PM. we took the traditional wine walk along the Conewago creek. A hoot owl was calling from somewhere in the woods . Even though there aren't any street lights in our area the reflection from the snow gave off a soft glow . Giving the landscape a cereal look it was truly magical. Sometimes you forget beauty and nature is just outside your front door.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Cammi I wish I was one your neighbors! The wine walk sounds like fun and tasting other friends favorite wines is the best. You find wines you never knew you liked.
